Configuring User Notifications for Request Action Status Changes

Use this procedure to control whether notifications are enabled or disabled for certain request action status changes. By default, the user who has submitted a request will receive a notification for many status changes, such as a status change to Withdrawn, Rejected, or Completed. This procedure enables you to prevent such notifications being sent for an individual user (actor), a group of users (actor group), or for all users (actors).

To configure who receives or doesn't receive user notifications, you set one or more of three types of parameters in the ConfigurationParameter table in the application data area. There are parameters for specific actors, for specific actor groups, and for all users.

Parameters for specific actors take precedence over parameters for actor groups and for all users. Parameters for actor groups take precedence over the parameter for all users. If an actor is in multiple actor groups and user notification is enabled for one of those groups, then the actor will have user notifications enabled (unless there is a specific actor parameter that disables notifications for the actor).

To configure user notification for request action status changes

  1. In Infor Rich Client, in the application data area you are configuring user notifications for, navigate to Start > Data > la > Business Classes > ConfigurationParameter or access the Configuration Parameters form through the Landmark Administration Console.
  2. If you want to enable or disable user notifications for an individual user, create a new parameter with the following values:

    Specify actionrequest.


    Specify where actorid is replaced by the actor id.


    Select Boolean.


    Set to true to disable notifications for the specific actor and set to false to enable notifications for the specific actor.

  3. If you want to enable or disable user notifications for an actor group, create a new parameter with the following values:

    Specify actionrequest.


    Specify disablenotifications.actorgroup.ACTORGROUP where ACTORGROUP is replaced by the name of the actor group (all uppercase).


    Select Boolean.


    Set to true to disable notifications for the specific actor group and set to false to enable notifications for the specific actor group.

  4. If you want to enable or disable user notifications globally, create a new parameter with the following values:

    Specify actionrequest.


    Specify disablenotifications.


    Select Boolean.


    Set to true to disable notifications for all who are not enabled via actor or actor group parameters and set to false to enable notifications for all who are not enabled via actor or actor group parameters.