Input Files for a Single Action

In this case, you define the input data file such that it mirrors the command line, with one main difference. You can specify the business class and action within the input file by using the -b and -a options, respectively, or you can specify these on the command line (without typing -b and -a).

The following simple examples shows the two ways that the same action could be executed through execaction:

Business Class and Action Within Input File

In this example, execaction is used to add a role to an actor, with the business class and action being specified inside the input file.

For example, the input file could contain:

-b Actor -a AssignRoleToActor --fields Actor=jsmith Role=EmployeeLite_ST

The command line would be the following:

execaction gen -f addRole1.txt

Business Class and Action Outside Input File

In this example, execaction is used to add a role to an actor, with the business class and action being specified on the command line itself rather than in the input file.

For example, the input file could contain:

--fields Actor=jsmith Role=EmployeeLite_ST

The command line would be the following:

execaction gen Actor AssignRoleToActor addRole2.txt