File location:
Security Cache Properties ( file)
The file is an optional file that allows you to control the Landmark security cache. Note that some of the properties are only for test or development purposes, and should not be applied to a production environment.
Property | Description |
How often to reload the properties in this file for possible configuration changes. The default is 900 seconds. You cannot set the value to less than 120 seconds. |
The maximum number of objects to hold in the cache. The default is 4000 .
Disable the cache. The default is false . Do not set this to true in a production environment. It is useful to set this to true in order to check if caching is the source of a problem. If the problem disappears when caching is disabled, then caching is probably not the cause of the problem.
The default is false . If set to true , you can set the RefreshInterval to less than 120. Do not set this to true in a production environment.