Mass Loading Users for the Black Box Service to the Infor Talent Management

Use this procedure to create identities for the black box service for Landmark web applications. These identities will have the same username and password as the Landmark application users and at the same time will be linked to the same Resource Management ID as the corresponding Lawson for Infor Ming.le users. This enables Lawson for Infor Ming.le users to click on a Lawson for Infor Ming.le bookmark for the black box service and be transferred to a Landmark web application, such as Employee Space in the Infor HR Talent.

  1. Create an identities .xml file using the template below. The purpose of this identities file is to map the username and password for each Landmark application user to a Resource Management ID which in turn is already mapped to an identity for the Lawson for Infor Ming.le service.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>


    @BB_SERVICE_NAME@ is the name you assigned the black box service for the Landmark application.

    @RESOURCE_ID@ is the Resource Management ID that the Lawson for Infor Ming.le user identity is linked to.

    @BB_USER_NAME@ is the Landmark application user name.

    @BB_USER_PASSWORD@ is the password for the Landmark application user.

    Example file for three users:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  2. Transfer the file to the server with the Lawson applications.
  3. Start the Single Sign-On Configuration utility. At the command line, type

    ssoconfig -c

  4. After you supply the password for the ssoconfig utility, select Manage Lawson Services > Load Service and Identity File.
  5. When prompted, enter the path and filename of the .xml file containing the identities.
  6. For the format of the credential information, select Plain Text.