Performing an Action with execaction - Command Line Only

Use this procedure if you want to perform an action for a business class by specifying all of the needed information in a single command.


For more information on all of the available command line parameters and options, see the "execaction" topic in the Infor Landmark Technology Utility Reference Guide

To perform an action with execaction - command line only

  1. Gather the information needed to define the action to be executed. This will vary depending on the business class and action involved. At a minimum, you will need the data area, the business class, the name of the action, and all of the fields required by the action.
  2. At the Landmark command line, type

    execaction [-e [l|g]] dataarea busclass action [-H host] [-P port] [-f file | -i] [--form | --formname formName]] [-z timeZone] [-S | -F] [--fields | --sched ] fieldname=value [...] [-v displayoptions] [--poll pollFrequency [pollCallMax]] [--sessionkeys key=value [...]]

    Program Option Description
    dataarea The data area the action applies to.
    busclass The business class the action applies to.
    action The action to be performed.
    -a actionName The name of the action (for use in data file).
    -b businessClass The business class name (for use in data file).
    -e l|g Allows you to control how the repository is loaded. The default is g (for grid). If g is specified, then execaction uses the repository already loaded in the grid, resulting in better performance. If l is specified, the repository is loaded to the local client, which can be time-consuming for large applications.
    -f file

    The data file to use.


    If the business class and action are not specified at the command line, you must specify them in the file.

    See Input Data Files for execaction for more detail on how to construct the data file for the execaction utility.

    -h Show syntax.
    -H host Specify the grid host. You generally do not need to set this as the execaction utility finds the grid host on its own.
    -P port Specify the grid port. You generally do not need to set this as the execaction utility finds the grid port on its own.
    -i Interactive mode. In interactive mode, you will be prompted for a value for each field. You can enter a space to send a blank value, enter a return to send the default value, or enter a specific value.
    -s Include schedule view fields (valid only with --showfields).
    -S Force scheduled execution event if normally a foreground action.
    -F Force foreground execution event if a scheduled action.
    -z timeZone Use to specify a time zone when scheduling a task.
    --form Get fields based on the default form.
    --formName formName Get fields based on the specified form.
    --fields fields... Field name/value pairs required by the action.
    --sched fields... Specify schedule field name/value pairs in order to schedule the processing of the action. You can view the schedule fields by using the --showfields and -s options.
    --poll pollFrequency [pollCallMax]]

    Specify the poll frequency and the maximum number of poll calls.

    Polling is only valid for an action that is submitted to the background.

    The default poll frequency is five seconds and the default maximum number of poll calls is -1, which represents unlimited calls. If --poll is not specified, the default is to not poll. If only --poll is specified, it will poll every five seconds. It will do this until the action completes or only failures. If all arguments are specified (for example, --poll 10 20), polling will happen every specified number of seconds but will stop and fail if all actions have not been completed (or only failures remain) and the system has polled the specified number of times.

    Return codes:

    • 0 (Success) - If multiple actions were run in a single execaction call (via file or interactive), all completed.

    • 1 (Failed) - If multiple actions were run in a single execaction call (via file or interactive), the first failed.

    • 2 (Failed with Completed) - If multiple actions were run in a single execaction call (via file or interactive), some completed before one failed and aborted.

    • 3 (Complete with Errors) - Polling was done on a background group. The group cannot move on because only failures remain. Some may have completed.

    • 4 (Poll Time Out ) - Polling was done on a background group and a maximum number of poll attempts was specified and exceeded before the background group completed or failed.

    • 5 (Poll Failed) - Polling was done on a background group but here was an error with the polling process. The system could not determine the state of the background group.

    --sessionkeys Execute with context key/value pairs (key=value key=value ...), for example, context.asofdate="2130931".
    -v displayoptions

    errorlevel, tracelevel, and verbose specified in any order, where:

    • errorlevel = {n}one | {f}atal | {e}rror | {w}arning (warning is the default)

    • tracelevel = 0:6 where 0 is no message and 6 is everything

    • verbose = whether to display exception stacktrace