Creating business class groups

This topic describes how to create business class groups that can be used to run conditions against Infor Landmark data. The topic is intended for administrators and power users who have access to the Landmark Data Menu.

Business class groups are also used within Infor Landmark applications where they are sometimes called "custom groups" or "eligibility groups." If you use a Landmark application that makes use of these types of groups, your product reference guide will contain additional information.


Business classes are the Java equivalent to database tables; conditions are similar to queries or filters.

To create a business class group

  1. From the Infor Rich Client canvas, click Start > Data.
  2. Select your application product line and then click la > Business Classes.
  3. Double click BusinessClassGroup.
  4. Click Actions > Create.
  5. Create the condition by populating the following fields:
    • Custom Group: Enter a name for a group or, if you are appending a condition to an existing list, select a group from the drop-down list.

    • Description: Enter a description of the condition.

    • Select an effective date.

    • Select a business class.

    • Click the Builder button to select fields and options for the condition.

      The Condition Builder Helper window is displayed.

    • When you are done adding conditions, click OK to return to the Custom Groups window.

  6. Click the Preview button to preview results of the condition. In the Preview Options window, select a list to run your group against. The lists that appear are pre-defined based on the product line you are using.
  7. Click OK. The results are displayed. If the results are not as expected, you can return to the Condition Builder and edit your conditions.
  8. Click the Save icon to save the condition so it is available the next time you want to run the condition.