Selecting Landmark settings

Landmark settings provide some options for working with dates and displays in Landmark applications and for troubleshooting. These settings can be changed at any time.

  1. Select Start > Settings and then click the Landmark tab.
  2. Make selections for the following settings as needed.
    Default 'Effective Date' To Today

    When this option is enabled, when you add new records in your applications that have effective dates, the current date is added automatically. This prevents you from having to select a date every time you add a new record. It is convenient if you typically add records that require the current date.

    Show Action Reason/Action Comment Dialog on Actions

    If a reason code is required for an action, it is incorporated as a field on the application form. However, you may want to enter a reason code for all your actions, whether required or not. The audit log keeps track of action reasons and comments.

    If you select this check box a Reason/Action Comment dialog box will pop up every time you perform an action.

  3. Power users can use the following settings for troubleshooting. You will probably enable them specifically for troubleshooting purposes, and then disable them again when you are finished.
    Show Console Widget In Widget Library

    If you want to print any exceptions you encounter, you should select both Show Console Widget In Widget Library and Print Exception Output To Console.

    The console widget is a debug tool generally accessible to developers and super users. If you select this check box, it will be available as a widget.


    This is used to help troubleshoot exception errors that you may be encountering. Turning this setting on collects information that can be sent back to Infor to help determine the source of the problem.

    Print Exception Output To Console

    If you want to print any exceptions you encounter to the Console, you should select both Show Console In Widget Library and Print Exception Output To Console.


    This is used to help troubleshoot exception errors that you may be encountering. Turning this setting on collects information that can be sent back to Infor to help determine the source of the problem.

    Enable Profiling

    Select this option to turn on canvas profiling.


    This is used to help troubleshoot performance problems that you may be seeing. Turning this setting on collects extra information about your activity that can be sent back to Infor to help us determine the source of the problem.

    Log Database Tier Session Debug

    Select this option to capture a debug session. This is for troubleshooting purposes and should be enabled only at the request of your system administrators. Information about how to use the tool is in the server administration guide.

    Submit Print Files in Background

    Select this option to submit printed files in the background of the application.