Removing actions from view in Infor Rich Client
You can restrict your ability to see actions that are available on the form. You might want to do this simply to remove from view actions that you do not perform in order to make the list of available actions simpler and faster to navigate.
Removing an action
If you want to hide an action from view permanently (that is, until you add it back), you can do so by performing the following steps:
On a personalized list, click the Restricted Actions tab. On a personalized form, select Actions > Restricted Actions.
From the Restrictable Actions list, select an action. When the action is highlighted, select Restrict Actions (hide) in the left column.
The action is removed from your view.
Removing an action conditionally
If you want to hide an action only in specific situations, you can build a condition statement to specify when the action should not appear. The build condition dialog box walks you through the steps for creating the statement.
Information about constructing a condition is in the Condition Builder Tips section.
Removing invalid actions
Some forms might show actions that are not valid in some situations. Invalid actions appearing on a form can be confusing and make the list of valid actions unnecessarily long. Click the Hide invalid actions checkbox so that these actions do not appear on an object.
Review / reinstate restricted actions
If you need to review the actions that have been removed, you can do so by selecting the Show only restricted actions check box. Restricted actions appear on the list.
If you want to reinstate a restricted action, you can do so on this view. Select the action and then clear the Restrict Action (hide) checkbox.