
Adding a button link to a form

You can use button and link is to add a button link to a form. For example, you may want to add a button that opens another internal navigation, or an external link.

Internal navigations are links from within the business class, or a related business class. New navigations cannot be created. Only existing navigations are available for use. External navigations can be created using link is and specifying a URL.

Example scenario: A button is added to the Request Update Account form to show General Ledger Transactions.

button of "Transactions"
    link is external <General Ledger Transactions URL>

Save on next

Use save on next as part of a WizardForm or CompositeForm. The default LPL behavior is to save when a business class boundary is crossed. To save going from one panel to another, use save on next on the panel. This can be useful when a multiple step process is lengthy.

Example scenario: During the candidate wizard, use save on next to save each panel of information.

  BasicCandidateInformation is a Panel
                  valid when (!ProfileExists)
                  form is RSSEnterNewCandidate
                  save on next
            AdditionalCandidateInformation is a Panel
                  form is RSSAdditionalCandidateInformation

Search form is inline

You can configure or personalize a list and define a search form inline, instead of using an existing form. You can determine which fields are displayed on search forms.

Use search form is inline to define a search form inline.

Example scenario: You can define a search form inline and show the product, product name, unit cost, available status, and quantity.

  ProductListInlineSearch is a list
              title is "ProductsWithInlineSearch"
              search form is inline
                      sort order is ProductNumberSet
                      is default
                      sort order is ProductNameSet
                      label is "IsAvailable"
                      allow update

Specifying a different form to use when printing to PDF

Use print form is to define a different form when printing to PDF.

This action replaces the form that is printed.

Example scenario: During the print process, print form is can be used to print a form that excludes fields with personally identifying information.

FormDefinition ::=
     <FormName> is a Form
          [print form is <FormName>] 

CompositeFormDefinition ::=
     <FormName> is a (CompositeForm | WizardForm)
          [print form is <FormName>]

Visited action is

Use visited action is in a WizardForm or CompositeForm when a user has accessed a step or panel. Typically visited action is is used to set a Boolean condition in the application, such as a step is in progress. visited action is calls an action to set the condition.

Visited action is is often used in conjunction with in progress when or completed when.

Example scenario: During the life event update process, visited action is can be used to indicate which panels have been seen by the user.

  LifeEventDetails is a Panel
                  form is EmployeeLifeEventDetailsResponsive
                  visited action is SetViewedDetailsVisited
                  completed when (ViewedPanels.ViewedDetails)
            Instructions is a Panel
                  form is InstructionTextResponsive
                  visited action is SetViewedInstructionsVisited
                  completed when (ViewedPanels.ViewedInstructions)
            NameChange is a Panel
                  form is NameChangeResponsive
                  visited action is SetViewedNameChangeVisited
                  completed when (ViewedPanels.ViewedNameChange)