Adding a button link to a form
You can use button
and link is
to add a button link to a
form. For example, you may want to add a button that opens another internal navigation, or
an external link.
Internal navigations are links from within the business class, or a related business class.
New navigations cannot be created. Only existing navigations are available for use. External
navigations can be created using link is
and specifying a URL.
Example scenario: A button is added to the Request Update Account form to show General Ledger Transactions.
button of "Transactions"
link is external <General Ledger Transactions URL>
Save on next
Use save on next
as part of a WizardForm or CompositeForm. The default LPL
behavior is to save when a business class boundary is crossed. To save going from one panel
to another, use save on next
on the panel. This can be useful when a
multiple step process is lengthy.
Example scenario: During the candidate wizard, use save on next
to save
each panel of information.
BasicCandidateInformation is a Panel
valid when (!ProfileExists)
form is RSSEnterNewCandidate
save on next
AdditionalCandidateInformation is a Panel
form is RSSAdditionalCandidateInformation
Search form is inline
You can configure or personalize a list and define a search form inline, instead of using an existing form. You can determine which fields are displayed on search forms.
Use search form is inline
to define a search form inline.
Example scenario: You can define a search form inline and show the product, product name, unit cost, available status, and quantity.
ProductListInlineSearch is a list
title is "ProductsWithInlineSearch"
search form is inline
sort order is ProductNumberSet
is default
sort order is ProductNameSet
label is "IsAvailable"
allow update
Specifying a different form to use when printing to PDF
Use print form is
to define a different form when printing to PDF.
This action replaces the form that is printed.
Example scenario: During the print process, print form is
can be used to
print a form that excludes fields with personally identifying information.
FormDefinition ::=
<FormName> is a Form
[print form is <FormName>]
CompositeFormDefinition ::=
<FormName> is a (CompositeForm | WizardForm)
[print form is <FormName>]
Visited action is
Use visited action is
in a WizardForm or CompositeForm when a user has
accessed a step or panel. Typically visited action is
is used to set a
Boolean condition in the application, such as a step is in progress. visited action
calls an action to set the condition.
Visited action is
is often used in conjunction with in progress
or completed when.
Example scenario: During the life event update process, visited action is
can be used to indicate which panels have been seen by the user.
LifeEventDetails is a Panel
form is EmployeeLifeEventDetailsResponsive
visited action is SetViewedDetailsVisited
completed when (ViewedPanels.ViewedDetails)
Instructions is a Panel
form is InstructionTextResponsive
visited action is SetViewedInstructionsVisited
completed when (ViewedPanels.ViewedInstructions)
NameChange is a Panel
form is NameChangeResponsive
visited action is SetViewedNameChangeVisited
completed when (ViewedPanels.ViewedNameChange)