Widget types, notes, and recommendations


Add up to five images with text. When there is more than one image, the banner is an animated image slider. The text (banner) you add overlays the image in the background.

The text you add overlays the image in the background.

Recommended width is 3 columns or larger and height is 2X.

Recommended banner image size is 1400 x 300 pixels with a Image Alignment value of Fit.

Choose the image from the User Image Library.

Additional fields:

Image Alignment
  • Fill: Re-sizes the image to fill the widget without preserving the image aspect ratio.
  • Center: The image is shown in the original size, centered in the widget.
  • Fit: Re-sizes the image to fill the widget while preserving the image aspect ratio.


Add an existing chart from the application.

Recommended width is 2 column or larger and height is 2X.

Note: When a widget includes data from the applications such as in Chart use the Additional URL Parameter to prevent the widget from returning too much data.

Additional Fields:

Business View is the business class for the chart. You can find the business class information by using Ctrl + Shift + left-mouse-click on the screen with the chart you want in the application UI. You may want to copy and paste the business class name directly from the information pop up.

Business List is the list that is the basis of the chart.

Business Chart select the chart.

Additional URL Parameter: Optionally, filter out data using a relation. Add context session keys to provide additional parameters to help filter data. For example: relation=Employee(aa.Employee.HROrganization,aa.Employee.Employee).LRCSupervisorAppraisalStatusRel

You have the option to have the user navigate to a different widget when the user clicks this widget title. In Navigation Widget, select the widget you want the user to go to, and define how you want the link to open.


Add an existing list from the application.

The widget presents the default list. If you want to manipulate or change the list, you would still do that with Personalization or Configuration Console. Remember if you create a widget from a personalized list, only you will see the customized list. If you see something different from other users, it might be because of personalization. To see if it is, use Ctrl + Shift + left-mouse-click.

Recommended width is 2 column or larger and height is 2X.

Note: When a widget includes data from the applications such as in List, use the Additional URL Parameter to prevent the widget from returning too much data.

Additional fields:

Business View is the business class for the list. You can find the business class information by using Ctrl + Shift + left-mouse-click on the screen with the list you want in the application UI. You may want to copy and paste the business class name directly from the information pop up.

Business List is the list that is the basis of the widget.

Additional URL Parameter: Optionally, filter out data using a relation. Add context session keys to provide additional parameters to help filter data. For example: relation=Employee(aa.Employee.HROrganization,aa.Employee.Employee).LRCSupervisorAppraisalStatusRel

You have the option to have the user navigate to a different widget when the user clicks this widget title. In Navigation Widget, select the widget you want the user to go to, and define how you want the link to open.


Add an existing form from the application.

Form widgets are limited.

For example, if you are logged into the HCM system, the HROrganization and Employee values are known values through the aa.Employee.HROrganization and aa.Employee.Employee values. So a widget defined on Employee will work. If you created a form widget on Employee Goal, it would require the actual keys to be entered in the Key Field Parameters. For example, aa.Employee.HROrganization,aa.Employee.Employee,EMPGOAL

You may want to build a more compact form in Configuration Console and then create a widget from that. If you create two widgets, one for the full form and one for the compact, you can have the compact widget link to the full form using Navigation Widget.

Remember if you create a widget from a personalized form, only you will see the customized form. If you see something different from other users, it might be because of personalization. To see if it is, use Ctrl + Shift + left-mouse-click).

Recommended width is 2 column or larger and height is 2X.

Additional Fields:

Business View is the business class for the form. You can find the business class information by using Ctrl + Shift + left-mouse-click on the screen with the form you want in the application UI. You may want to copy and paste the business class name directly from the information pop up.

Business Form is the form that is the basis of the widget.

You have the option to have the user navigate to a different widget when the user clicks this widget title. In Navigation Widget, select the widget you want the user to go to, and define how you want the link to open.

Image List

This is the same as a list type widget, except it displays an image for a record.

For example, if you wanted to put a My Staff widget on your landing page and want to see the Employees' pictures instead of just a list of employees.

Note: When a widget includes data from the applications such as in Image List, use the Additional URL Parameter to prevent the widget from returning too much data.

Additional fields:

Business View is the business class for the list. You can find the business class information by using Ctrl + Shift + left-mouse-click on the screen with the list you want in the application UI. You may want to copy and paste the business class name directly from the information pop up.

Business List is the list that is the basis of the widget.

Additional URL Parameter: Optionally, filter out data using a relation. Add context session keys to provide additional parameters to help filter data. For example: relation=Employee(aa.Employee.HROrganization,aa.Employee.Employee).LRCSupervisorAppraisalStatusRel

You have the option to have the user navigate to a different widget when the user clicks this widget title. In Navigation Widget, select the widget you want the user to go to, and define how you want the link to open.

Status Counter

Add a status counter from the application.

Additional fields:

Business View is the business class for the form. You can find the business class information by using Ctrl + Shift + left-mouse-click on the screen with the form you want in the application UI. You may want to copy and paste the business class name directly from the information pop up.

Business Form is the form that is the basis of the widget.

You have the option to have the user navigate to a different widget when the user clicks this widget title. In Navigation Widget, select the widget you want the user to go to, and define how you want the link to open.

Process Link

Add hyperlink to an existing internal application page.

To find an internal URL, locate the page you want in the application and Ctrl + Shift + left-mouse-click. Copy the information in the URL field.

Look at delivered widget templates for examples.

Recommended image size is 70 x 70 pixels.

Additional fields:

Title displays in the top band of the widget. The field is limited to 30 characters.

URL is an internal URL that references an existing menu navigation. The system will add the server name and data area to the beginning of the call, so you only need the last part of the URL. For example: To create a process link to go to My Profile, paste the URL and edit it so it displays as EmployeeSelfService/menu/LRCEmployeeMenu.MyProfile. Use this structure because it honors all the restrict actions on the list.

When External Site is selected, the system will not prepend the server name and data area into the URL field. If you select External Site, the URL field should be a full URL.

Long Description specify where the link will take the user.

Multiple Link

Add a group of related links, defined as a group widget.

Define the group widget on the separate group widget form. You can define up to 9 links.

For example, use this widget to consolidate multiple process links into one pane.

To find an internal URL, locate the page you want in the application and Ctrl + Shift + left-mouse-click. Copy the information in the URL field.

Additional fields:

Landing Page Group Widget is the list of links. Select an existing list of links or create a new group widget.

On the group widget page:
  • Landing Page Group Widget specify an ID for the group widget record. This is the internal identifier of the record and will be all caps.
  • Description specify the name for the widget. This is the name that displays to users in the widget library, make sure it is clear and concise.
  • If you select Use Images, you must associate an image file with each of the links. Make sure your images are consistent sizes and uploaded.
  • Title is the hyperlink. The field is limited to 30 characters.
  • URL is an internal URL that references an existing menu navigation. The system will add the server name and data area to the beginning of the call, so you only need the last part of the URL. For example: To create a process link to go to My Profile, paste the URL and edit it so it displays as EmployeeSelfService/menu/LRCEmployeeMenu.MyProfile. Use this structure because it honors all the restrict actions on the list.
  • When External Site the system will not prepend the server name and data area into the URL field. If you select External Site, the URL field should be a full URL.
  • If Image displays, it is required.

External Frame

Embed an existing web page into the frame. Use to reference an external website. For example BI, or corporate web site. The entire web page will display in the frame. Consider width and height of the external site you're pointing to.

Note: Some content can be blocked by browsers if the URL protocol is different than the application URL protocol.

Additional fields:

Title displays in the top band of the widget. The field is limited to 30 characters.

URL is the URL that will display within the widget. Use the full URL format. For example: http://www.infor.com. If a URL is longer than 512 characters, use a URL shortener.

You have the option to have the user navigate to a different widget when the user clicks this widget title. In Navigation Widget, select the widget you want the user to go to, and define how you want the link to open.

Rich Text

Add formatted text.

Note: Advanced formatting such as create hyperlinks or edit the text as HTML source is only available if Landing Page Designer runs in the Rich Client user interface.

Additional fields:

Title displays in the top band of the widget. The field is limited to 30 characters.