Add a Landmark widget to an Infor Ming.le Homepage

If your application does not already have a widget in the Homepages Widget Catalog, or if you have created your own Landmark widget, you can add the Landmark widget to a Homepage using the Web widget.

Before you add a Landmark widget to a Infor Ming.le Homepage, you have to determine the URL for the widget.

Landmark widget URLs use the following format: https://<landmarkserver>/<dataarea>/<webapp>/widget/<widgetId>?mw=true&csk.LogicalId=<LogicalId>

For example:

Variable Get value from
<landmarkserver> In Administration Console, select Other > Application & System Links. The page heading says "Welcome to <dataarea> on <landmarkserver>" for example, "Welcome to fsm on"
<dataarea> In Administration Console, select Other > Application & System Links. The page heading says "Welcome to <dataarea> on <landmarkserver>" for example, "Welcome to fsm on"
<webapp> The name of the Landmark web application the widget is for. This is the application name without any spaces for example, CashAdministrator.
<widgetID> In Landing Page Designer, select Widgets. Open the widget record. Copy the value in Home Page Widget URL, for example /widget/CASHCODEBALANCES?mw=true&csk.LogicalId=<your logicalId here>.
<LogicalId> As an administrator for Infor Ming.le, select User > Admin Settings. In Manage Applications, open your Landmark application record. Copy the value in Logical ID, for example lid://infor.fsm.fsm.
  1. In the Homepages Widget Catalog, select Utilities > Web.
  2. Click the add icon (+) Add Widget.
  3. The widget is added to your page in the background. Click Close to close the Widget Catalog.
  4. Click Configure Widget.
  5. Specify this information:
    The default title is "Web." Click the lock icon and specify a title for the widget.
    Paste in a URL for the Landmark widget in the URL field. For information about how to determine the URL for the widget, see the information above.
    Enable refresh
    A toggle to enable or disable the refresh action on the widget header.
    Launch URL
    Leave this field blank.
    Header action

    If Enable refresh is on, this is a toggle that enables you to display either the Refresh or Launch URL icon on the widget header.

    If Enable refresh is off, this is a toggle that enables you display the Launch URL icon or no icon on the widget header.

  6. Click Save.