Define the URL for a BI widget

There are two standard types of URL for BI content: URL to a dashboard and URL to a report.
  • URL to a dashboard includes all the features found in the dashboard and uses single sign on if authentication is IFS and users are setup in both BI and Landmark. A dashboard will need to be defined in BI Dashboard first. The URL in the landing page is masked for security reasons. The true URL is held in the configuration of the application.

    Definition: DashboardURL/Repository-Project/api/dashboard?name=DashboardUniqueID.

    For example:

    To find the dashboard URL, open a dashboard in the BI Dashboard app, click the Share icon and select Create Dashboard Link. Link type is Simple Link. Copy the URL found in the Web Link box.

  • URL to a report does not include any of the Dashboard features. Typically used for widgets that display within a landing page (External Frame).

    Definition: DashboardURL/Repository-Project/api/widget?Connection=ContentConnectionUniqueID&query=ReportNameUniqueID.

    For example:

    To find the ContentConnectionUniqueID, select Dashboards > Settings > Content Connection. Click the pencil (edit) on the far right. The Unique Name field displays in the Content Connection Editor.

    To find the ReportNameUniqueID, open the report in Dashboards. Click the pencil (edit). Click properties. Unique Name displays in the General tab at the bottom or access Apps Studio Designer. Select the report from the list. Look in the properties window. If properties is not displayed in the Repository Explorer pane, select F4.