Example: Audit Snapshot Mismatches

The command processed in this example searches for inconsistencies in the audit snapshot data using the -V option and produces detailed output using the -d option.


datamaint --auditsnapshot -Vd hcm candidate

Command Output

Start Time: 2009/04/21 09:27:27.439
auditsnapshotmaint -Vd hcm candidate

Candidate Validating 20 2 with inconsistent audit snapshot
Primary key of audited business object with inconsistent audit snapshot data:
    HROrganization: 7000
    Candidate: 1

Data from Audit Logs:
    UniqueID: 0120a6bc-1930-0000-0000-000447856297
    Candidate_EffectiveDate: 20090414
    Candidate_DeleteFlag: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    HROrganization: 7000
    PrimaryContactInfo.PostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine1: 123 Oak Street
    PrimaryContactInfo.PostalAddress.Municipality: Maple Grove
    PrimaryContactInfo.PostalAddress.StateProvince: MN
    PrimaryContactInfo.PostalAddress.PostalCode: 55311

Data from audit snapshot file:
    UniqueID: 0120a6bc-1930-0000-0000-000447856297
    Candidate_EffectiveDate: 20090414
    Candidate_DeleteFlag: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    HROrganization: 7000
    PrimaryContactInfo.PostalAddress.DeliveryAddress.AddressLine1: 123 Cedar Avenue
    PrimaryContactInfo.PostalAddress.Municipality: Maplewood
    PrimaryContactInfo.PostalAddress.StateProvince: MN

Primary key of audited business object with inconsistent audit snapshot data:
    HROrganization: 7000
    Candidate: 4

Data from Audit Logs:
    UniqueID: 0120a6bc-1930-0000-0000-000747856297
    Candidate_EffectiveDate: 20090414
    Candidate_DeleteFlag: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    HROrganization: 7000

Data from audit snapshot file:

Number of Business Classes : 1
Number of Business Classes Skipped : 0
Number of Business Classes w/o Snapshots Skipped : 0
Number of Business Classes Passed Validation : 0
Number of Business Classes Failed Validation : 1

Total Business Objects Failed Validation : 2

End Time: 2009/04/21 09:28:07.427


Two candidate records with snapshot data that failed validation.