Maintaining Encrypted Data

You can verify or update the encryption status for data belonging to a business class that implements the Encrypted LPL pattern. This type of encryption is managed by the application layer, rather than the database interface layer, thus requiring an action other than a database reorganization to implement changes.

This utility only takes action on data in business classes that use the implement Encryption pattern.

You can find log files at


At a Landmark command prompt, type

datamaint --encryption -V|-U|-H [-f filter] -[Fdt] dataArea [businessClass]

Consider the following

Program Option Description
-V Validate encryption condition in sync with the state of the business object.
-U Update encryptable fields if out of sync.
-F Force update of encryptable fields.
-H Access help for this command.
-d Show more detailed output.
-t Show terse output (default).
-f filter Filter criteria. (Valid only when business class is specified.)
dataArea Select a data area to work with.
businessClass Select a specific business class to work with.