Capturing Database Tier Session Debug Information
Use this procedure to capture the database debug and DBI timestats information for a single user session. An end user can activate and deactivate the recording of OPF and DBI level debug and subsequently email the results to Lawson support personnel for analysis to allow faster diagnosis of database access related issues. The captured output is a slightly less verbose version of database tier debug that is recorded when DEBUG=true is set in
. No data is recorded other than the keys and filter values. The output is recorded to a new Landmark environment framework business class DBSessionDebug under the la module.
Debug can be captured via the Infor Rich Client (local or grid execution), via a Web UI application, or for an OLE DB query. Note that any background actions triggered by the session while session debug capture is activated will also be captured to the same output if sufficient time is allowed for them to complete after debug capture is deactivated.