Example: Validating and Updating Encryption States for One Business Class


The following commands were used to verify (-V) and then update (-U) the encryption status of the Supplier Commodities business class data, in the DBText80 data area. Last, a second validation was performed to ensure that the desired changes had been made.

datamaint --encryption -Vd dbtest80 suppliercommodities

datamaint --encryption -Ud dbtest80 suppliercommodities

datamaint --encryption -Vd dbtest80 suppliercommodities

For the purpose of explaining the output, this example is divided into three sections.

Command Output (A)

This report fragment shows the result of the verify and update commands, plus an additional verification run after the update.

Start Time: 2009/04/21 09:09:12.533
encryptionmaint -Vd dbtest80 suppliercommodities
SupplierCommodities     Validating              17
                        13 with inconsistent encrypted data.

Number of Business Classes                    : 1
Number of Business Classes Skipped            : 0
Number of Business Classes Passed Validation  : 0
Number of Business Classes Failed Validation  : 1
Number of Business Classes Updated            : 0
Total Business Objects Failed Validation      : 13             (A)
Total Business Objects Updated                : 0
End Time:   2009/04/21 09:09:16.669

Analysis (A)

The first command (datamaint --encryption -V ...) shows 13 Supplier Commodities data elements that have an inconsistent encryption status. Refer to the line marked (A) in the code snippet (above).

Command Output (B)

Start Time: 2009/04/21 09:09:30.186
encryptionmaint -Ud dbtest80 suppliercommodities
SupplierCommodities     Updating                17
                        13 encrypted record(s) updated

Number of Business Classes                    : 1
Number of Business Classes Skipped            : 0
Number of Business Classes Passed Validation  : 1
Number of Business Classes Failed Validation  : 0
Number of Business Classes Updated            : 1
Total Business Objects Failed Validation      : 0
Total Business Objects Updated                : 13             (B)
End Time:   2009/04/21 09:09:35.461


The second command (datamaint --encryption -U ...) shows 13 Supplier Commodities data elements whose encryption was updated by the utility. Refer to the line marked (B) in the code snippet (above).

Command Output (C, D)

Start Time: 2009/04/21 09:09:40.815
encryptionmaint -Vd dbtest80 suppliercommodities
SupplierCommodities     Validating              17

Number of Business Classes                    : 1
Number of Business Classes Skipped            : 0
Number of Business Classes Passed Validation  : 1
Number of Business Classes Failed Validation  : 0
Number of Business Classes Updated            : 0
Total Business Objects Failed Validation      : 0             (C)
Total Business Objects Updated                : 0             (D)
End Time:   2009/04/21 09:09:44.967


The last command (datamaint --encryption -V ...) shows that no Supplier Commodities data elements had an inconsistent encryption status, and that no changes were made. Refer to the lines marked (C and D) in the code snippet (above).