cdimport - Configuration Data Import

List a summary of exported data:

cdimport -l InputDirectory | ZipFile

Import data:

cdimport -I InputDirectory | ZipFile [OPTIONS] dataarea [Export_Actor[=Import_Actor] ...]

The cdimport utility enables you to import configuration data for a Landmark system from either a directory created through cdexport or a zip file created through either cdexport or the Configuration Console Export option. This data includes configuration data for applications, security authorization, Infor Process Automation, and web services. You can choose to import all configuration data or just selected types of data. You can also choose to import configuration data for specific actors or for the "global" actor.

Note: If you use cdimport to import only a subset of all the configurations you want on your system (that is, you are not importing a complete set of configurations for a product line), be sure to use the --keepactor parameter. If you do not use --keepactor, the system will first delete all of the configurations belonging to the actor associated with the configuration (if you specified a specific actor when importing) and for the global actor (if you specified no actor at all or @global for the global actor). This means that if you import a configuration for a single actor (that is, a personalization), that personalization will be the only existing one for the actor after the import. If you import a configuration for the global actor (that is, a configuration created in the Configuration Console not the My Personalizations Console), then that configuration will be the only existing one for all users.

Unless you specify that error files not be created, if there are import errors, zip files containing CSV and log files of the errors are created in the current directory. The names of the error files are based on the data area you are importing the data into.

Parameters Description
-l Lists configuration data to be imported.
-I Import configuration data.
InputDirectory | ZipFile The directory or zip file containing configuration data from the cdexport utility.
dataarea The data area into which to import configuration data.
Import Options: If you specify no import options, then all types of configuration data that are in the export directory or zip file for all actors are imported.
--application Import application configuration data (UserField, UserAction, UserRelation, UserImage, UserMenu, UserPage, and UserProd).
--subtype Import only the specified application sub type. Only applies to --application. Valid values are ActorGroup, LandingPage, PersonalWatch, RomaingUIProfile, SpellingDictionary, UserConfigurations, and UserTemplate.
--authsecurity Import authorization security configuration data (roles, security classes, role security class assignments).
--mimetype Import mime type configuration data.
--processflow Import Infor Process Automation configuration data.
--webservices Import web services configuration data.
--replication SchemaOption ReplicationOption [replicationSet[,replicationSet,...]]

Import replication set definitions. Specify a schema registration state option and a replication state option. The replication option specifies what to do with the replication set definitions. Valid values for these state options are:

  • S - Keep the value from the cdimport file. It is rare to keep the source values if you are importing from a different environment unless perhaps you are discontinuing use of the source and continuing on with the target. You should not have two different environments replicating to the same target.
  • T - Ignore the value in the cdimport file. Use this option if you are doing an update for the replication set and the replication set business class.
  • C -Reset the state value. Use this option if you are creating a new data area and want to use the replication set definitions.

To import one or more specific replication set definitions rather than all of them in the import file, include a comma-separated list of the replication set definitions to import.

--snapshot [snapshot[,snapshot,...] [--keeprollback]

Import snapshots, optionally including rollback information (default is to skip). Rollback information would normally only be valid if importing back into the source of the export.

This option is mutually exclusive with the other export options. That is, if you use this option, you cannot use the others.

--deleteactor Delete actor-specific data before import of actor data.

Do not delete actor-specific data before import of actor data. (Normally, actor-specific data is deleted before the import is performed.)

It is strongly recommended that you use this option unless you are importing into a test environment where you only want the records you are currently importing.

--noactor Import no actor-specific data. (Normally, data for all actors is imported.)
--onlyactor Import only actor-specific data. (Normally, data for all actors is imported.)
Export_Actor[=Import_Actor] ... If you specify a specific actor from the exported data, only that actor's data will be imported. If you specify one or more actors using "=Import_Actor", then the exported actor data will be applied to the specified actors in the system into which you are importing data. Use @global to designate configuration data that applies to all actors.
--noerrorfile Do not create application error files
--noenverrorfile Do not create environment error files
--noconfigclear Prevent the cache clear event from firing. Using this option means the system will be out of sync. This is useful when a system is off-line and these utilities are being used. In that case, the system will be restarted anyway and the cache automatically will be built upon access so processing the event is not needed.
--ignoredups Ignore duplicate records in the application data area.
--skipnormalize Skip normalization (that is, do not enforce strict data type casting).
--skipdeletedrecords Exclude deleted records. The default is to include whatever is in the file you are importing from.
--status status[,status...] Import records with the listed statuses. The statuses that can be listed are "Active," "Inactive," and "Invalid." Separate multiple values with commas. You can also use the number 0, 1, and 2, respectively, for "Active," "Inactive," and "Invalid." This option only applies if you are importing application configuration data.
--listcategorymap List business classes by category.
--hotfix If LPL hotfix records are present in the export file, import them as current.
Processing Options:
-b Brief mode; prints a summary for each file.
-e Stop processing if a database error occurs.
-i Perform batch inserts based on the value of the INSERTBUFSIZE parameter in the db.cfg file.
-o Overwrite duplicate records.
-q Quiet mode; display only errors; do not print informational messages.
-u Update duplicate records.
-x transactionsize

Specify the transaction size, in number of records to be held in the buffer before committing or ending transactions.

This specification will override any other specification for the INSERTBUFSIZE parameter made in the db.cfg file.

-V Validate only. This option enables you to see potential errors. The list of errors will not be exhaustive and may include items that might only be a problem on a specific database. Also, the list does not attempt to discover all the errors that might be encountered when the actual import is attempted. For example, the validate option does not check for duplicates.
-N Normalize records; enforce strict data type casting.
-F Force data import, even when the headers do not match.
-M nn The threshold in megabytes used to determine when to write large binary objects to a temporary file on disk during the import. The default is 20MB. If the import fails or is likely to fail because of memory issues from large binary objects, lower this threshold. If your system has sufficient resources, you can consider increasing the threshold in order to speed up the import. Use -1 to disable.
-v displayoptions

errorlevel, tracelevel, and verbose specified in any order, where:

  • errorlevel = {n}none | {f}atal | {e}rror | {w}arning (warning is the default)

  • tracelevel = 0:6 where 0 is no message and 6 is everything

  • verbose = whether to display exception stacktrace