Change the default records per page for a list

To change the number of records per page for a list, create a configuration or personalization using the Configuration or Personalization Console in the Rich Client user interface.

To create personalizations or configurations, you must have access to the Rich Client UI and the appropriate security roles.

  1. In the Rich Client, open a list in either Personalization or Configuration Console
    • In the list heading, press Ctrl + Shift + left-mouse-click and the list information displays. Click the Configure link or the Personalize link
    • For a personalization, select Options > Personalize
    • Create or open a list configuration in the Configuration Console
  2. Select the Use LPL Editor link.
  3. In the implements section (under the title is line, if it exists), add
    show <#> lines

    where <#> is a number up to 999. For example,

    EmployeeDefaultList is a List
    	title is "Resources"
    	show 300 lines
  4. Click Save.

    Now users of the web UI who have this configuration active can use the number you used (e.g. 300) for the Records Per Page field.

    The user can enter any number less than 300 in the Records Per Page field as user default, for example: 15, 50, 292 and the user can change the number at any time.

    If user enters a number great than 300, the list will still show a maximum 300 records per page. For example, if a user enters 450, the list will be loaded with 300 records per page.

Once you make changes to a list in the LPL editor, it is best to continue to use the LPL editor for all changes to the record. In other words, do not use the LPL editor for some changes and the GUI for others.