How personalizations and configurations are applied
Changes made using My Personalizations or Configuration Console change a copy of the LPL source, which then is stored separately in the database.
When you make configuration changes through the Configuration Console, the changes apply to all users. This is in contrast to the changes made through the My Personalizations console, which apply only to the user making the change unless that user has the privilege to make the change global and chooses to do so.
If LPL is personalized, then the personalization is used.
If LPL is configured, then the configuration is used.
If there are no personalization or configurations, then the delivered LPL is used.
Personalizations and configuration changes made using personalization and Configuration Console tools are saved to separate files, stored separately in the database, and are not affected by upgrades. This means when you upgrade new version of an application, you will not see any new changes that the application delivers for LPL that has been personalized or configured.
It is possible that your personalizations and configurations may be affected by a new delivery of the business class. If a configuration uses a field or action that is no longer available because the application removed the LPL from the base delivery, then that field or action is ignored. You will need to use tooling to determine how to merge in the new LPL. You can run the Delivered LPL Compare tool to help identify and troubleshoot these types of issues.