cddelete - Delete Configuration Data

cddelete dataarea [OPTIONS]

The cddelete utility enables you to delete various types of configuration data (such as the data for global UI changes).

Parameters Description
dataarea The data area from which to delete configuration data.
Delete Options: If you specify no delete options, then all types of configuration data for all actors are deleted.
--alltypes Delete from all of the following (except authsecurity)
--application Delete application configuration data (UserField, UserAction, UserRelation, UserImage, UserMenu, UserPage, and UserProd).
--subtype Delete only the specified application sub type. Only applies to --application. Valid values are ActorGroup, LandingPage, PersonalWatch, RomaingUIProfile, SpellingDictionary, UserConfigurations, and UserTemplate.
--authsecurity Delete authorization security configuration data (use --includeenvironmentdata to include non-data-area-specific environment data.
--mimetype Delete mime type configuration data.
--includeenvironmentdata Include environment data in delete (implied when MimeType is explicitly called out and for environment data that contains a DataArea field),
--processflow Delete Infor Process Automation configuration data.
--webservices Delete web services configuration data.
--replication [replicationSet[,replicationSet,...]] Delete user-defined replication configurations. By "user-defined" is meant replication set definitions that are not delivered and delivered replication set definitions that include customer-defined replicate fields or customer-defined business classes. In the case of delivered replication set definitions with customer-defined items, only the customer-defined items are deleted. To delete one or more specific replication set definitions rather than all replication set definitions, include a comma-separated list of the replication set definitions to delete.
--snapshot [snapshot[,snapshot...] Delete snapshots. This option is mutually exclusive with the other delete options. That is, if you use this option, you cannot use the others.
--onlyactor Delete only actor-specific data.
--allactors Delete configuration data for all actors

When used with --application, also deletes UserField_Storage. (Deletes the data that backs a user field.)

This option will clear the data for all user fields, since all user fields will be removed.

--noconfigclear Prevent the cache clear event from firing. (Doing so means the system will be out of sync.) This is useful when a system is off-line and these utilities are being used. In that case, the system will be restarted anyway and the cache automatically build upon access so processing the event is not needed.
--status status[,status...] Delete records with the listed statuses. The statuses that can be listed are "Active," "Inactive," and "Invalid." Separate multiple values with commas. You can also use the number 0, 1, and 2, respectively, for "Active," "Inactive," and "Invalid." This option only applies if you are deleting application configuration data.

Delete data for the specified actors. Separate actor names with spaces. Use @global to designate configuration data that applies to all actors.

Note: To be able to delete @global user data, you must have the GlobalUIConfigAccess_ST security class.