Configuring composite forms
A composite form is a form defined with more than one form. Such forms allow a limited number of changes, including look-and-feel changes, but do not allow the more extensive field and layout changes that regular business class forms allow. However, you can create separate configurations for the forms contained within a composite form.
Configure a form directly from the form. Open the form and in the heading, press Ctrl + Shift + left-mouse-click and the form
information displays. Click the Configure link.
This creates a new configured form record that will open in the Configuration Console.
Create a configuration record from Configuration Console:
- In the Infor Rich Client, access the Configuration Console. Select Start > Configure > Application.
- Select Configured Business Classes in the left pane.
- Click the New icon at the top of the left pane.
On the Create New Configuration screen, select Form in Configuration Type, the business class the form belongs to, and the form you want to configure, then click OK.
To determine the business class a form belongs to, use the form information pop up. Open the list, hover over the heading, and press Ctrl + Shift + left-mouse click.
If other configurations have already been defined for the business class, you can expand that business class, select Configured Forms in the left pane, and click New in order to start the configuration process.
A composite form has panels, so the layout definition will be different that other forms.
The left pane will change to display the existing components in the composite form.
- To change the form heading, select the form title in the left pane and edit the Title field in the right pane.
To change the look and feel of the form, select one of the following options
- Show panel control on left
Select this option for a set of tab panels to appear on the left side of the form rather than above the panels.
- Show panel navigation
Select this option in order to have the composite form display arrow buttons at the top of a set of forms rather than tabs.
- Show steps
Select this option if the composite form you are working with is a wizard form and you want to display the steps of the wizard on the initial form.
- To change which actions display in the toolbar or to hide actions or make them conditional, select Actions > Called Out or Restricted in the left pane.
You can change the form layout. Decide which type of change you want to make.
To add a new panel, select Panel in the left pane, click the New button at the top of the left pane, and then select the type of panel you want. Define panel details by selecting the new panel.
To reorganize the panels, select Panels in the left pane. Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons in the right pane.
To edit a panel, select the panel in the left pane and make changes in the right pane. You can add validity and visibility conditions for the panel.
- Click the Save button at the top of the right pane.