Configuration Console overview
Administrators and power users can use the Configuration Console tool within the Infor Rich Client to make changes that affect the user experience of Landmark-based applications. Administrators can tailor:
Make changes to the look and feel of existing menus, pages, reports, embedded analytics cubes, various user interface objects, and actions associated with a business class. See Infor Landmark Technology Reporting Administration Guide and the documentation for your Landmark application.
Extend functionality by creating new business classes, actions, rules, and new user interface components.
Create configuration changes for features that apply across a data area, including:
Enable and disable data translation (multi-language field configuration) and time zones
Create and modify MIME types
Create and modify security classes and maintain actor, identity, and role records. See Infor Landmark Technology User Setup and Security and Infor Security Services Configuration Guide
Web Services
Create new web services to enable non-Landmark systems to view or update Landmark data. See Infor Landmark Technology Web Services Reference Guide.