Installing an FTP Server

This procedure explains how to install an FTP server for use with the Landmark Administration Console. Infor recommends using secure FTP and, in the case of multi-tenant clients, it is required. Otherwise, this procedure does not specify a particular FTP server or version, but only lists the basic requirements.

To install an FTP server

  1. Download an FTP installation program.
    Note: Windows operating systems include an FTP server. See your Windows documentation for details.
  2. Install the FTP server with the default port,usually 22 for secure FTP.
  3. Create a directory on your computer that is the destination or source folder for FTP, and add a sub-directory within that.
  4. Add a user and password for your FTP server.
    Note:  FTP sends passwords in clear text so do not use any of your regular passwords.
  5. Give the user full access to the FTP folders you created.