Creating and exporting claims for AD FS

This procedure configures the claims (or credentials) that the relying party should accept from a user attempting to log in.

  1. Run the secadm utility.

    From a command window on theInfor Landmark Technology server, type

    secadm -m

    If prompted, supply the password.

  2. From the main secadm menu, select "Manage WS Federation Settings".
  3. From the sub-menu, select "Manage WS Federation Claims".
  4. From the next sub-menu, select "Add a claim".
  5. Follow the prompts to add each of the Claim Name, Claim Value pairs in the table. Type each exactly as shown.
    Claim Name Claim Value
    userid $ACTOR-Actor
    role $ACTOR-Roles
    GlobalLogoutURL $COMMON-GlobalLogoutURL
    LocalLogoutResponseURL $COMMON-LocalLogoutResponseURL
    SessionTimeout $COMMON-SessionTimeout
    TimeoutRequestAssertionURL $COMMON-TimeoutRequestAssertionURL
  6. Select "Back" to return to the "Manage WS Federation Settings" sub-menu.
  7. Select "Manage WS Federation Certificate."
  8. From the next sub-menu, select "Create certificate for WS Federation."

    The message, "Successfully created certificate for WS Federation" appears.

  9. When you are finished adding the certificate, select "Back" to return to the main menu of secadm.