JavaScript functions


The option to create a pflow_user.js file is not applicable in a multi-tenant environment.

This table lists the available functions that you can use for evaluating a JavaScript expression:

Data type Function name Parameters Description
Date today Return the current date and time in JavaScript format
String todayAGS Return the current date and time in AGS yyyymmdd format
String todayDME Return the current date and time in DME mm/dd/yyyy format
Date pfDate var1, 'yyyymmdd' Return a JavaScript date, given an AGS formatted date (yyyymmdd)
Date pfDate var1, 'mm/dd/yyyy' Return a JavaScript date, given a DME formatted date (mm/dd/yyyy)
String getDateDME var1 Return a date in DME mm/dd/yyyy format, given a JavaScript date
String getDateAGS var1 Return a date in AGS yyyymmdd format, given a JavaScript date
Date AddDay var1, NbrDays Add a number of days to a JavaScript date and return the new JavaScript date
Date AddMonth var1, NbrMonths Add a number of months to a JavaScript date and return the new JavaScript date
Date AddYear var1, NbrYears Add a number of years to a JavaScript date and return the new JavaScript date
Integer DateDiff var1, var2 Calculates the difference in days between two JavaScript dates (absolute value)
Integer getDate jsDate Returns the date
Integer getMonth jsDate Returns the month
Integer getYear jsDate Returns the year
String todayLMRK() Returns the current date and time in the UTC timezone and in the Landmark Timestamp format:


String getDateLMRK() jsDate Given a JavaScript date, return the date and time in the UTC timezone and in the Landmark Timestamp format:


String addLeadingSpaces varString, finalLenthOfVarString, isSpaceEscaped Returns the String with leading space escape chars to be used while attaching a variable in form URL. Can also be used to add actual space characters instead of the escaped space char by passing false for the argument isSpaceEscaped. If the 3rd argument is not passed at all, space will be escaped and then added.
String addLeadingZeros varString, finalLenthOfVarString Returns the String with leading zero chars to be used while attaching a variable in form URL
String addTrailingSpaces varString, finalLenthOfVarString, isSpaceEscaped Returns the String with trailing space escape chars to be used while attaching a variable in form URL. Can also be used to add actual space characters instead of the escaped space char by passing false for the argument isSpaceEscaped. If the 3rd argument is not passed at all, space will be escaped and then added.
String addTrailingZeros varString, finalLenthOfVarString Returns the String with trailing zero chars to be used while attaching a variable in form URL
String URLEncoder urlString Use escape function to return URL-ready string
String DateString jsDate, 'yyyymmdd' Return a date String from js date
String DateString jsDate, 'yyyymmdd hhmmss' Return a date String from js date
String trim varString Trim leading and trailing spaces and control characters from string
String trimLeading varString Trim leading spaces and control characters from string
String trimLeadingSpaces varString Return string removing spaces at start
String trimLeadingZeros varString Return string removing zeros at start
String trimTrailing varString Trim trailing spaces and control characters from string
String trimTrailingCRLF varString Return string without CR/LF characters at end
String trimTrailingSpaces varString Return string removing spaces at end
String trimTrailingZeros varString Return string removing zeros at end
String substring varString, startIndex, endIndex Get part of a string starting from a given index to an end index
String substring varString, startIndex Get part of a string starting from a given index and the rest of the characters
Double round num, decimalPlaces Rounds off number to the number of decimal places specified by decimalPlaces
String base64encode data Encodes a given string to its base 64 format
String base64decode data Given a base 64 encoded string, converts that into readable character format

The JavaScript functions that can be used by IPA are defined in a JavaScript file called pflow.js. In the designer, these functions are made available from the Function drop-down list in the Variable Expression Builder.

The pflow.js file is found in these two locations:

  • From the server: %LASYSDIR%\LPS

  • From the designer: base install directory

You cannot modify the pflow.js. If you need to add functions, you must create a new file called pflow_user.js and place this file in the two directories that contain the pflow.js. The pflow_user.js file must maintain the same format as pflow.js for it to work. The format should begin with a section where your functions are defined:

//*****Function Definition -->Date=today()											            //
//*****Function Definition -->String=todayAGS()										        //
//*****Function Definition -->String=todayDME()										        //
//*****Function Definition -->Date=pfDate(var1,'yyyymmdd')							//

Any new functions must be defined for them to appear in the designer. This example shows how you can define a function in a pflow_user.js file:

	Function: today
	Purpose:  Return the current date and time in JavaScript format
function today()
		return new Date();