Modifying the form

  1. Modify a form in the Form Designer of Design Studio. For example, add or remove fields from the form. The form is saved in /your Infor OS Portal location/content/forms/.

    For specific instructions on using the Form Designer, see the Infor Lawson Design Studio User Guide.

  2. Create a page and add a formlet object to it in the Portal Designer of Design Studio. Set the source property of the formlet by selecting an existing form definition in /your Infor OS Portal location/content/forms/.
  3. Open the Datamap dialog and move the key fields of the form to the page's data source.
  4. Use the script interface to access workunit variables or details to populate values in the formlet object.
    • Select Script at the bottom of the Designer.

    • Choose the page object in the Object field and Oninit in the Events field. The page default ID is portalpage, but it can be set to any value by the page author.

    • Enter code to set key values. All the variables from Workunit Variables and details from Workunit are available for you to use in the page. You access workunit variables and details from the using page.paramenters.variablename. (See the example below.)

      The page is saved in / your Infor OS Portal location /content/forms/

      For specific instructions on using the Designer and script functionality, see the Lawson Design Studio User Guide.


    You can use the same .xml file for multiple activity nodes, or you can create and reference as many .xml files as you need.

  5. When you define the User Action or HRTM activity nodes in your process, specify your unique .xml file names in the File Id fields. Be sure to include the file extension in the File Id field.