Moving workunits to history

If you think you might need to retrieve completed workunits, do not delete them. Instead, move them to the Work Unit History view. Workunits retain all associated data until you run the delete logs and activities action or schedule the workunits for deletion. Workunits can be restored to your live views from Work Unit History.

  1. Access the Process Server Administrator and select Administration > Work Units > Work Units.
  2. Move individual or a small number of workunits to history:
    1. From the Work Units list, select individual or multiple records.
    2. Select Actions > Move Work Unit History.
  3. Move several workunits to history:
    1. Click Actions > Schedule Move To Workunit History.
    2. Optionally, select either the Process Name or Service Name to move only workunits associated with a particular service or process.
    3. Select the records to process. The action processes only workunits with a status of Completed or Canceled. Specify a method for selection:
      Work Unit Completion Date Range
      To process workunits within a specific range, select a begin and end date.
      Work Unit Completion Days Range Prior to Current Date
      To process workunits within a range of completion days prior to current date, specify the number of days prior to the current date. For example, if the date is February 1 and you want to clear January data, specify 31 in Begin Days and 1 in End Days.
      Work Unit Range
      To process workunits by work unit number, select begin and end workunit numbers.
    4. Click OK to run the action or click Schedule to schedule the action to run.

      For more information on scheduling actions and how to use the Schedule dialog box, see "Working with Async Action Requests" in the Infor Landmark Technology Server Setup and Maintenance Guide or in the Landmark Technology help.

      Workunits that have the status or Completed or Canceled are moved to the Workunit History view.