Purging PDF files from My Print Files list

To view your printed PDFs, click Report Catalog > Print Files and access the My Print Files window. Over time, this list can become long. There are two ways you can delete items from the My Print Files list: You can delete items from the My Print Files list by selecting the record or records and clicking Delete or by purging your reports.

Purge actions can be run immediately or scheduled. Scheduled actions can be run once or at regular intervals. Follow these steps to purge your reports.

  1. On the toggle menu, click Report Catalog.
  2. Click Print Files.
  3. Click Purge.
  4. Specify this information:
    Include Folders
    Select this check box to delete folders.
    Thru Date
    If you select a through date, files are deleted for the date you selected and earlier.
    Purge Offset Days
    If you use the offset days, the system deletes files that are older than the days you specify. For example, if you specify 3, all files older than three days are deleted.
  5. Click OK to run the purge, or click Schedule to run it later.