Securable Object Policy

This report shows the security policies that have been assigned to a specific securable object in a data area.

  1. As a user with access to the security administration menu, navigate to Administration Console > Security > Security Reports and select the Securable Object Policy report.
  2. Select Create Securable Object Report.
  3. Select filters:
    1. Select User, Role, or Security Class.
    2. If you select User, select the Actor in the search box.
    3. If you select Role, you can select the Run For Single Role option to limit the search to a single role and select the Role.
    4. If you select Security Class, you can select the Run For Single Security Class option to limit the search to a single class and select the Security Class.
    5. Optionally, select the Run For Single Securable Object Type option to limit the search to a single securable object type and select the Securable Object Type. You can further filter by selecting the Run For Single Securable Object Name option to limit the search to a specific securable object. Specify the name in the Securable Object Name field.
    6. Optionally, select Run Invalid Policy Check. This option adds a column listing records that have an invalid policy. "Y" for Yes indicates that an invalid policy exists for the listem item; "N" indicates that the policy is valid.
  4. Click Submit.
  5. When the report completes, you can export the list to either CSV or PDF format. For more information about exporting and printing, see Printing and scheduling options.