Adding or Updating an Identity

Use this procedure to add or update an identity in your system using the secadm utility.

To add or update an identity using secadm

At a Landmark command prompt, type

secadm identity add servicename identityname [--password password]

– or –

secadm identity update servicename identityname [--password password]


Options Description
identity add Creates a new identity in the system based on the values you specify with the command parameters.
identity update Changes the attributes of an identity in the system based on the values you specify with the command parameters.
servicename Specify the name of the service that the identity is linked to.

Specify the name of the identity.

  • For type Database

    Use the database login name.

  • For type FormBased

    Use the web user name.

  • For type Unix

    Use the UNIX operating system login.

  • For type Windows

    Use the Windows operating system SID.

--password password Specify the default password to assign to the loaded identities.

Any application that has a full JVM (which includes the security classes) behind it must be relaunched to pick up security class changes.

Example: Adding an Identity

This command:

secadm identity add ServTest User1

Results in this output:

Using ServiceFactory: com.lawson.webservs.service.
Identity User1 for service SERVTEST created.