ladsadmin - Lawson Database Server Administration

ladsadmin -s | --status

ladsadmin --list [LIST-OPTIONS]

ladsadmin --unlock [UNLOCK-OPTIONS]

ladsadmin --clearidle [CLEARIDLE-OPTIONS]

ladsadmin --autosequence [AUTOSEQUENCE-OPTIONS]

The Landmark Database Server (lads) manages connections to a Lawson-supported, third-party relational database management system (RDBMS). ladsadmin monitors or manages the runtime activity of the Lawson Database Server (lads).

Note: In all cases where you can filter which resources an action is applied against you can use regular expressions or provide specific names. For example, you could use the following: ladsadmin --unlock --pool .* --kind .*dataarea .*.
Program option Description
-s or --status The output will tell you if lads is running by trying to connect directly to the port defined in the $LACFGDIR/lads.cfg file.
List options
-l or --list List the locks held on resources.
--list -p name or --list --pool=name Filter the list by pools matching the specified pool or pools.
--list -k kind or --list --kind=kind Filter the list by resource kinds matching the specified kind or kinds.
--list -r resource or --list resource=resource Filter the list by resources matching the specified resource or resources.
--list --csv Format the lock listing as comma-separated values.
--list --noheader Do not include the CSV headers in the output.
Unlock options
-u or --unlock Force the unlock of resources.
--unlock -p name or --unlock --pool=name Required parameter to force the unlock of the resources for the specified pool.
--unlock -k kind or --unlock --kind=kind Required parameter to force the unlock of the resources of the specified kind.
--unlock -r resource or --unlock --resource=resource Force the unlock of the specified resource.
Clear Idle options
-i or --clearidle Clear idle resources from a resource pool.
-p name or --pool=name The pool whose idle resources you want cleared.
--invokegc Invoke Java garbage collection via System.gc() in the LADS JVM after clearing the idle resources.
Autosequence options
-a or --autosequence Manage the autosequence manager.
--autosequence --enable | --disable

Enable or disable the autosequence manager.

The autosequence manager keeps track of the maximum value for autosequenced fields that were defined with the "minimize contention" property. For these fields, when it is necessary to obtain the next value, the system does not need to retrieve it from the database. This can improve performance.

By default, this functionality is enabled. If you set the Disable Autosequence Manager grid property for the Landmark grid application to true, the default behavior changes to disabled. If you use the --autosequence --enable command in that case, the autosequence manager is enabled only until the next stoplaw/startlaw.

Generally, you should not disable the autosequence manager unless instructed by technical support.

--autosequence --reset dataarea Reset the autosequence manager cache for the specified data area.
--autosequence --showstats dataarea Show the autosequence manager statistics for the specified data area.
--autosequence --clearstats dataarea Clear the autosequence manager statistics for the specified data area.