spelldictmaint - Maintain Spelling Dictionaries

spelldictmaint -h | dataarea -t LOCALE [-d description] -l locale [-v displayoptions] [name] dictionaryfile [--encoding encoding]

spelldictmaint -h | dataarea -t ALTERNATE [-d description] [-l locale] [-v displayoptions] name dictionaryfile [--encoding encoding]

spelldictmaint -h | dataarea -t USER [-d description] [-v displayoptions] name dictionaryfile [--encoding encoding]

spelldictmaint dataarea --update name dictionaryfile [-d description] [--encoding encoding]

spelldictmaint dataarea --delete name

spelldictmaint loads, modifies, or removes a spelling dictionary in the SpellingDictionary business class.

Program Option Description
-h Show syntax.
dataarea Specify the data area that the spelling dictionary applies to. If you specify USER as the dictionary type, the data area must be gen.
-t type

Specify the type of spelling dictionary that you are loading. Type one of the following:


  • USER


-d description Optional. Add a description of the spelling dictionary.
-l locale

Specify a locale (required for LOCALE type, optional for ALTERNATE type, not valid for USER type). The locale must be one supported by the JVM version you have.


For LOCALE type, the name of the dictionary is the locale ID. The name and locale must match.

-v displayoptions

errorlevel, tracelevel, and verbose specified in any order, where:

  • errorlevel = {n}one | {f}atal | {e}rror | {w}arning (warning is the default)

  • tracelevel = 0:6 where 0 is no message and 6 is everything

  • verbose = whether to display exception stacktrace


Specify a name for the spelling dictionary:

For the LOCALE dictionary type, the name must be the same as the locale ID. (If you do not provide a name, the locale will be used as the name.)

For the USER dictionary type, the name must be the actor ID of the user the dictionary is for.

For the ALTERNATE dictionary type, the name is the identifier for the dictionary.

dictionaryfile Specify the dictionary file containing the entries to be loaded.
--encoding encoding Specify the encoding. The default is UTF-8.
--delete name Delete the dictionary.
--update name Modify the spelling dictionary settings, including replacing the dictionary contents.