svndiff - Subversion diff utility

Use the svndiff utility to compare two releases, branches, or marks within a Subversion repository. It logs the output to $LAWRKDIR/svndiff. This output file includes a list of files that have been modified, added, or deleted between the two releases, branches, or marks you are comparing. You can also use this utility to create diff files for the source code files that were modified.

To use the svndiff utility, type svndiff at a Landmark environment command line, and then respond to the prompts.

Program Prompt Description
Old value This represents the Lawson release, branch, mark or before merge tag that you want to use to compare to another Lawson release, branch, mark or before merge tag.
New value This represents the Lawson release, branch, mark or before merge tag that you want to compare to what you selected at the Old value prompt.
Lawson Release If you chose Lawson Release at either the "Old value" or "New value" prompt, you are presented with a list of releases to choose from.
Branch If you chose Branch at either the "Old value" or "New value" prompt, you are presented with a list of branches to choose from.
Mark If you chose Mark at either the "Old value" or "New value" prompt, you are presented with a list of marks to choose from.
Before Merge tag If you chose Before Merge tag at either the "Old value" or "New value" prompt, you are presented with a list of Before Merge tags to choose from.
Do you want to get a file diff for one of the modified files? If you select "y" for "yes," you are presented with a list of modified source code files. After you select one, the utility creates a diff file in $LAWRKDIR/svndiff. This prompt reappears so that you can select additional modified source code files to diff.

This utility relies on the Subversion diff command. For more information, see