migrateplconfig - Product Line Configuration Migration

migrateplconfig dataarea [-o] [-v displayoptions]

This utility was formerly used to migrate the parameters in a data area's config.properties file to the ConfigurationParameter table in the la module for the data area. These parameters are now maintained in the ConfigurationParameter table directly or else are added by the installation program.

Program Option Description
dataarea The data area whose config.properties file parameters you want to move into the ConfigurationParameter table.
-o Causes existing values to be overwritten.
-v displayoptions

errorlevel, tracelevel, and verbose specified in any order, where:

  • errorlevel = {n}one | {f}atal | {e}rror | {w}arning (warning is the default)

  • tracelevel = 0:6 where 0 is no message and 6 is everything

  • verbose = whether to display exception stacktrace