secadm role - Security Administration: Maintain Security System Roles

secadm role add role

secadm role delete role

secadm role assign actor role

secadm role assign --C

secadm role remove actor role

secadm role updateproxyable role true|false

The secadm role command will maintains roles and their mapping to actors in the system.

secadm role options Description
add role Add a role to the system.
delete role Delete a role from the system. You cannot delete a role if the role is currently assigned to actors.
assign actor role Assign a role to an actor.
assign --C Assign a role to the current actor from the context.
remove actor role Remove a role from a user, but do not delete the role from the system.
updateproxyable role Set this to true or false to determine whether the role is eligible for use with the user proxy feature..