secadm identity - Security Administration: Maintain Security System Roles

secadm identity add servicename identityname [--password password]

secadm identity update servicename identityname [--password password]

secadm identity delete servicename identityname

secadm identity display servicename identityname

secadm identity pwdResetByService servicename

secadm identity pwdResetByIdentity servicename identityname

secadm identity listBadPasswords servicename

secadm identity overrideBadPasswords servicename

The secadm identity command maintains identities in the system.

Parameter Description
add Add an identity to the system.
update Update an identity in the system
delete Delete an identity from the system.
display Display an identity in the system
pwdResetByService Require that all identity passwords for the specified service be reset the next time the users for those identities attempt to log in.
pwdResetByIdentity Require that the password be reset by the user for the specified service and identity the next time the user attempts to log in.
listBadPasswords List the bad passwords for a service.
overrideBadPasswords Override the bad passwords for a service.
servicename Specify the service name.

Specify the name of the identity:

  • For service type Database

    Use the database login name.

  • For service type FormBased

    Use the web user name.

  • For service type Unix

    Use the UNIX operating system login.

  • For service type Windows

    Use the Windows operating system SID.

--password password Specify the password for the identity.