comparedict - Compare Dictionaries

comparedict [OPTIONS] DataArea [DataArea [name ...]]

comparedict compares two data dictionaries.

Program Option Description
-A faffile or --faf=faffile Ignore the differences covered by the field assignment file (faffile).
-l or --lenient Rules not required for added fields or files.
-p or --plonly Consider only product line differences.
--rundir=Directory Use the specified directory instead of $LARUNDIR to open dictionaries.
--showrules To view the rules selected by a change to a data area (use with the -p option.)
--strict To require all added files and added or changed fields to have rules.
--tracefaf=FILE The file to which to write the field assignment trace.
--uselog Use the dbreorg/dbupgrade log.
-v Option Set view option. Use with a, c, d, u, and s. The default is d (dbChangesOnly).
a or all Compare all items in the dictionaries.
c or changesOnly Compare only the dictionary changes.
d or dbChangesOnly Compare only the database schema changes.
r or dbreorgActions Provide the reasons for the actions that will be taken.
u or newUniquenessRequirementsOnly Show only those cases where a change to indexes has introduced more restrictive uniqueness requirements. For example, if an index is introduced that has fewer keys than existing indexes for the same table, there may be issues because the new index will encounter what seem to be records with duplicate keys.
s or summary Produce a summary of changes.

A list of names of dictionary files, business classes, modules, database spaces, or business class patterns to execute the command against.

Use the prefixes file-, pattern-, space-, or module- to resolve ambiguity. Use prefix- and type- to select files by prefix name or types used. File names can be the long or classic name and can include ? and *. Specifying "!" anywhere in the list will complement the selected files. Specifying @path reads names from the file, one per line. A hyphen ( - ) indicates stdin. Wildcard characters may need to be quoted in the command line or they will be interpreted by the command processor. A :L on a file name selects the lobs table. A :B on a file name selects the base table.


errorlevel, tracelevel, and verbose specified in any order, where:

  • errorlevel = {n}none | {f}atal | {e}rror | {w}arning (warning is the default)

  • tracelevel = 0:6 where 0 is no message and 6 is everything

  • verbose = whether to display exception stacktrace