Configuring the Infor Rich Client Applet Download
If you have a proxy server in place, you can use this procedure to enable proxy caching on your system when users access the system through the Infor Rich Client. Without this procedure, prime file (class files required by the Infor Rich Client) and repository information that was being retrieved via the grid protocol or via the HTTPS protocol was not cached. With this procedure, this information is passed via the HTTP protocol and so can be cached.
If you use the applet tunnel (that is, when accessing the Infor Rich Client applet with the &usetunnel=true
parameter as part of the URL), proxy caching will be used by default. If you are not using the applet tunnel, you must use this procedure to enable proxy caching. In addition, if you use applet tunnelling via HTTPS, you must use this procedure. This is because HTTPS does not generally allow caching. However, the proxy caching feature allows for the use of the applet tunnel using HTTPS while the download of the repository and applet code (prime files) is done through HTTP.
You can also tune the proxy caching via parameters in the file. See Tuning Proxy Caching .
To enable proxy caching
Tuning Proxy Caching
These parameters belong in the file located in $LASYSDIR. The default values will work in most circumstances. It is recommended that you check with Infor personnel before changing the tuning parameters.
After making changes to the file you will need to redeploy this file to the grid and the application server running the following commands:
deployenterpriseapp gen law-env
Parameter | Default | Description |
prime.file.sizes | 2097152,2097152,4194304,6291456,10485760 | Comma-separated list of sizes to create the priming files. The last size in the list is used for all files created beyond the list length. | | 10000 | The number of files that trigger the prime files to include all possible files identified in the command line version of the Infor Rich Client. | | 3 | Maximum number of concurrent prime downloads. | | %APPDATA% (if the environment does not have APPDATA defined then user.home/Application Data) |
Base location for client side applet cache. This parameter sets the location of the files downloaded by the Infor Rich Client applet. Users sharing the same client system can set this to a location that is shared between all users of the system to save disk space and reduce network traffic. |
tunnel.client.request.delay.list.millis | 0 |
Comma-separated list of delay times between client read requests. When no data is received, then the value of ?<tunnel.client.request.delay.dwell> times the next value in the list is used as the request delay.
tunnel.client.request.delay.dwell | 1 | Amount of zero byte read results before bumping to next delay level. | | 65536 | Read buffer size. |
tunnel.server.idle.timeout.millis | 3660000 | Time before an abandoned socket is closed and garbage collected. |
tunnel.server.sotimeout.millis | 60000 | Time before an abandoned socket is closed and garbage collected. |
tunnel.compression.threshold.size | 500 | The size of the payload of each tunnel HTTP(S) transaction which will trigger the payload to be compressed. |
map.<protocol>.<host>.<port> | none |
An entry in this paramater will cause the prime files to be downloaded from this URL rather than the applet URL. This allows the applet and tunnel to be loaded and run via HTTPS yet have the prime files downloaded via HTTP. This would enable caching of the prime and repository files along the network route. When tunnellingis not used, this is the only way to trigger the download of prime/repository files via HTTP. For example, if the Infor Rich Client applet is launched from