Creating a Lawson for Infor Ming.le Bookmark for the Black Box Service

Use this procedure to create Portal bookmarks that point to Landmark web applications through the black box service.

  1. Access the Lawson for Infor Ming.le as a Lawson for Infor Ming.le administrator.
  2. Navigate to the Bookmark Manager and click Add. (Note: you may add bookmarks at either the top level or as children of other bookmarks.)
  3. Supply values for the following fields (examples are shown for web applications from the Infor HR Talent):
    Bookmark Name

    A name for the bookmark, such as Employee Space.

    Long Description

    A description of the bookmark.


    For the Employee Space, enter the URL using the following as a template:


    For the Manager Space, enter the URL using the following as a template:

    Open in New Window

    Select this check box and height and width of the window to 1000 x 1000 pixels.

    Add Top Level Bookmark / Add Child

    Select the level at which you want to add the bookmark.

  4. Click Update Cache when you are done.
  5. Use the Bookmark Manager to assign the bookmarks to the Portal users who need them. For more information on bookmarks, see "Bookmarks: Overview" in Lawson for Infor Ming.le Administration Guide.