Deploying an Application to WebSphere

Use this procedure to deploy Landmark applications. The installation process for the application already includes deploying the application to the WebSphere application server and mapping the modules. However, you may need to redeploy the application as part of taking a software update or you may need to change the mapping of the modules if you change your system configuration, such as if you change your use of HTTP endpoints.

In Landmark, each application module is modeled as a service, and each HTTP endpoint is meant to model a web server. In this procedure, you will use the WebSphere administrative console to map modules (services) to web servers (HTTP endpoints).

If you are using multiple endpoints, before performing this procedure, complete the steps outlined in Configuring Network Endpoints.

To deploy a Landmark application

  1. Verify that the WebSphere Deployment Manager and the WebSphere application server where the Landmark application will be deployed are running.
  2. Set the environment variables for the Landmark Environment. At a command line, type

    . cv LandmarkEnvName

    where LandmarkEnvName is the name of the Landmark Environment the application will belong to.

  3. From a Landmark command prompt, type:

    stagelandmark -all

    activatelandmark --all

  4. In the WebSphere administrative console, navigate to Servers > Server types > Web servers.
  5. Select any web servers you plan to use and click Generate Plug-in.

    If you have configured WebSphere Administrative Console to directly manage any web servers, select them and click Propagate Plug-in.

    If you have any web servers that are not being managed directly, copy the plugin-cfg.xml files listed in the Messages section to your remote web server Plugin configuration sub-directories. Restart the web servers to accept the new configurations.

  6. Restart the web servers to accept the new configurations.
  7. Stop and start the WebSphere application server.