Synchronizing Encryption Keys
Use this procedure to synchronize the encryption keys on the source and destination systems. If you do not perform this procedure, any encrypted data copied to the destination system will not be usable.
This procedure creates a backup of the authen.dat, .ssokeystore, and .ssotruststore files in $LASYSDIR/.ssobackup on the destination system. If you encounter a problem when running this procedure, you can copy these files from the backup directory to the $LASYSDIR directory and run the procedure again. If you run this procedure repeatedly, it will not copy over any authen.dat file that exists already in the backup directory. If you want a different authen.dat in the backup directory, move the existing one elsewhere.
You can also check the security_authen.log file for possible errors.
After you perform this procedure and then proceed to copy application data, if you later need to copy application data between the same two environments, you do not need to perform the encryption synchronization key process again.
To synchronize encryption keys