Run the spelldictmaint command
spelldictmaint dataarea-t type -l locale
dictionaryfile [--encoding encoding]
Where dataarea is the data area or product line that the dictionary applies to. For USER type dictionaries, this must be
. -
Where type is the dictionary type: LOCALE, ALTERNATE, USER.
Where locale is the locale for the dictionary. This option is optional for the USER and ALTERNATE type, but required for the LOCALE type. The name value and locale value must be the same if the type is LOCALE.
Where name is the dictionary name. For LOCALE type dictionaries, this must match the locale. For USER type dictionaries, this is the actor ID of the user the dictionary is for. For ALTERNATE type dictionaries, this is an identifier for the dictionary.
Where dictionaryfile is the name of the .dic dictionary file.
When encoding is the encoding type. The default is UTF-8.
For example:
spelldictmaint prodhcm -t LOCALE -l en_US en_US $LACFGDIR/en_US.dic