How Is the Landmark Dictionary Built?

Landmark LPL source defines the structure of the data, and the data area deployment file ($LACFGDIR/dict/dataarea.xml) defines initial data area and database parameters. These files are used by programs, such as stagelandmark, that create or update the data dictionary.

Note: Before the April 2021 Landmark update, the dataarea.xml file was located in $LASRCDIR/dict. The April 2021 update and later updates will attempt to move the dataarea.xml file to $LACFGDIR/dict. If the file cannot be moved, the system will continue to use the dataarea.xml file in $LASRCDIR/dict.

The dictionary consists of two physical files.

  • The data structure defined by the LPL source. Data structure changes are all tracked through timestamp versioning.

    File location: $LARUNDIR/dict/dataarea.timestamp

  • The dictionary built from the dataarea.xml deployment file.

    File location: $LARUNDIR/dict/DATAAREA.dict