Database Preinstallation Tasks for Infor Landmark Technology

The databases for your Environment data (the GEN product line) will be configured by the installation program based on answers you gave during installation. Before you install the Oracle database or Infor Landmark Technology, perform the following tasks and collect the information shown in this section.

Perform this task Collect this information

Choose the Oracle protocol for the server connection

If the Oracle database is remote, choose TNS (TCP/IP). If Oracle is local, choose either TNS or SID.

Determine the TNS name for the Oracle server

Before you install Landmark, configure the TNS name must be configured in the file


You may need to qualify the name (for example using, depending on the default domain name set in the file



Determine the SID for the Oracle server

The SID (System ID) is the instance name for the Oracle server. This value must be configured in Oracle before you install Landmark.

The Oracle protocol and either the TNS name or the SID for the Oracle server.

Determine database user name (ID) and password

  • The login name (user name) and password for the database user who accesses Landmark data at run-time.

    These values are mapped to the LOGINNAME and PASSWORD parameters in the $LARUNDIR/DATAAREA/db.cfg database interface configuration file.

The login name and password for the database user.

Determine how to configure and name the table spaces

Before you install the Infor Landmark Technology, the table spaces for application data, indexes, and large objects must be defined in Oracle as locally-managed with automatic extent management, which is the default.

  • Index table space name.

  • Application data table space name.

  • Large object table space name.

Determine whether the database will support Unicode, and record the character set chosen for the database.
  • Unicode, yes or no?

  • Character set