How Are Lawson Database Tables Created?
After creating the database in Oracle
and specifying the database configuration in the $LACFGDIR/dict/dataarea.xml
file, the Landmark Environment and application
installation program will create the required tables in the Oracle database. The schema name provides the logical grouping of tables within
the Oracle database.
Note: Before the April 2021 Landmark update, the dataarea.xml
file was located in $LASRCDIR/dict. The April 2021 update and later updates will attempt to move the
dataarea.xml file to $LACFGDIR/dict. If the file cannot be
moved, the system will continue to use the dataarea.xml
file in $LASRCDIR/dict.
The schema is normally configured by the installation program. The changeda utility can be used to alter the schema name in the dictionary. See Changing Database Space Attributes Using changeda.