Creating a New Data Area with the createda Utility

Use this procedure to create an empty data area, or one that is defined with Landmark Pattern Language specifications.

The createda utility can also be used to create a new data area, based on the information supplied at installation time. What Files Define a Data Area?

To create a new data area

At a Landmark command prompt, type

createda dataarea


createda [-f] [-v displayoptions] [-p prodline] dataarea dbtype


createda [-d] [-v displayoptions] dataarea


Program Option Description
-f Force overwrite of the existing dataarea.xml file.
Note: Before the April 2021 Landmark update, the dataarea.xml file was located in $LASRCDIR/dict. The April 2021 update and later updates will attempt to move the dataarea.xml file to $LACFGDIR/dict. If the file cannot be moved, the system will continue to use the dataarea.xml file in $LASRCDIR/dict.
-d Load the data area definitions from the dictionary of an existing data area.
-p prodline Specify the product line to associate with the new data area. By default, the product line and data area have the same name.

Enter one of the following:



-v displayoptions

errorlevel, tracelevel, and verbose specified in any order, where:

  • errorlevel = {n}none | {f}atal | {e}rror | {w}arning (warning is the default)

  • tracelevel = 0:6 where 0 is no message and 6 is everything

  • verbose = whether to display exception stacktrace