To configure text search

  1. Install the Oracle Text component, if it was not installed with the database.

    The Oracle installation will run all the necessary scripts.

  2. Follow the instructions in the Oracle® Text Application Developer's Guide, which describes the setup needed to configure the feature in the Oracle database.
  3. Ensure that the Lawson user has the ctxapp role and the create job role. If not, run the grant_law_perms.sql script. For more information, see the Infor Landmark Installation Guide.
  4. Open the $LARUNDIR/DATAAREA/db.cfg with a text editor.
  5. If the default behavior is not desired for the creation of text indexes, specify how the Oracle database will manage changes to text indexes by setting the value of the CTXPARMS, TEXT_COMMIT, TEXT_INTERVAL, TEXT_NO_COMMIT, and/or TEXT_SYNC parameters in the db.cfg file. For more information on db.cfg parameters, see Parameters that Support Text Search .
  6. Save and close the db.cfg file.
  7. Recreate the text index. See Recreating Text Indexes in the Database.