What Is a Data Area?

A data area corresponds to a pool of physical data stored in a database and linked to a product line. When you install an application and create an application product line, a data area (with the same name as the product line) is created for the product line. The data area includes only the data structure. Generally, you have only one data area within a product line in production environments.

Parameters for each data area are stored in the following location: $LACFGDIR/dict/dataArea.xml.

Note: Before the April 2021 Landmark update, the dataarea.xml file was located in $LASRCDIR/dict. The April 2021 update and later updates will attempt to move the dataarea.xml file to $LACFGDIR/dict. If the file cannot be moved, the system will continue to use the dataarea.xml file in $LASRCDIR/dict.

Sample dataarea.xml file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE DataArea SYSTEM "DataArea.dtd">

<DataArea productline="PRODHLTM">
   <Space name-"empty" dbtype="empty" />
   <Space name="ora" dbtype="oracle" tablespacename="datts" indexspacename=
       "idxts" lobspacename="lobts" schema="LMRKENV_LTM" charset="WE8MSWIN1252" 
       dbname="oradb" />
   <Default space="ora" charset="WE8MSWIN1252" />