Supplier listing report

You run the Supplier Listing report to list suppliers who have registered within a date range you specify. For each supplier, the report lists:

  • Creation date

  • Status and whether they are pre-qualified

  • Diversity status and detail

By running the report, you can evaluate the success of hiring minority suppliers.

To report on suppliers

Access My Reports > Supplier Listing.

Use the following guidelines for entering field values.

Supplier Group

Type the supplier group you want to report on.

Supplier Number

Type the number of the supplier who has registered.

Include Suppliers Created

Type the "from" and "to" dates to report on suppliers who registered within this period.

Include Contact Detail

Indicate whether to include supplier contact details.

Include Registration Status

Indicate which registration status to report on:

  • Complete

  • Incomplete

Print Parameters

Indicate whether to print the report parameters on the report itself.