What is compared
Supplier and vendor
Each active supplier that has an active vendor number associated with it is compared. Note that if multiple suppliers are tied to the same vendor number, this will cause conflicts in the compare process.
Tax ID
Global Location Number
Doing Business As (compared to vendor search name)
The following billing address fields are compared to the current address for the vendor. If no billing address fields are entered, then mailing address is compared.
First, Second, Third, and Fourth address lines
Postal Code
The supplier primary contact (contact 1) is compared to vendor contact information for the following information
First Name/Last Name is compared to Contact Name
Phone Prefix/Number/Extension
Fax Prefix/Number/Extension
Email Address
Supplier contacts and vendor locations
Each supplier contact that has a vendor location value associated with it is compared. Note that if multiple supplier contacts are tied to the same vendor location, this will cause conflicts in the compare process. If the primary contact for a supplier is also tied to a vendor location, the contact information on the supplier side is also compared to vendor contact. This may also lead to record conflicts.
Location Name
First Name/Last name is compared to Contact Name
The following address fields are compared to the current address for the vendor location
First, Second, Third, and Fourth address lines
Postal Code
Phone Prefix/Number/Extension
Fax Prefix/Number/Extension
Email Address
Supplier diversity codes
The data structures of supplier diversity do not map well from supplier to vendor. On the supplier side, only one diversity code per supplier is allowed. On the vendor side, one diversity code AND decertification date per vendor is allowed. Also, there are no vendor location diversity codes on the supplier side.
Comparison records are created if
The diversity code on AP13.2 is active
a Vendor diversity code exists, but no equivalent Supplier diversity code exists.
This creates one record, regardless of whether there were multiple vendor records for the diversity code (multiple decertification dates). The record that is created will use the newest decertification date for the diversity code on the Vendor.
a Supplier diversity code exists, but no equivalent Vendor diversity code exists.
the same diversity code exists on both. In this case, the supplier diversity code (there can only be one record) is compared to the newest vendor diversity code by decertification date. Certification Date, Decertification Date, and Review Date are compared. Each date that does not match creates a record.
Certification codes
The data structures of certification codes do map well from supplier to vendor. Each record is keyed by code and effective date. Records can exist at both Supplier/Vendor and Contact/Vendor Location level.
Comparison records are created if
The certification code in AP13.3 is active
a vendor certification exists, but no equivalent supplier certification exists
a supplier certification exists, but no equivalent vendor certification exists
the same certification exists on both sides, but the Expiration Dates are different